ISFAP Partners

Our Partners

It takes many hands to make light work.....

The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Foundation NPC (ISFAP) has not been put together solely by one institution or organisation, but is made possible by the collaboration and co-operation of many entities.

Through the strong support from both the public and private sectors, ISFAP has been able to demonstrate the incredible power that can be unleashed when all sectors come together with a common goal. This has enabled ISFAP, together with its partners, to tackle an issue of national importance – the provision of fees and support for poor and missing middle students.
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) published revisions to the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice. These revisions include key changes to Code 300, which specifically deals with Skills Development expenditure. By funding black students at all Higher Education Institutions, our funders get four weighting points to their BEE score cards for a spend of 2,5% of their leviable amount.

With unemployment rate at 32.7% in South Africa; this is two times higher than our closest BRICS counterpart. Our youth face an even greater crisis, with one in three unemployed and inadequately equipped to enter the marketplace. This equates to over half a million youth who require funding to pursue tertiary education in order to gain the skills necessary to obtain employment.
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  • ISFAP Testimonials

    "As a company, we fully understand that our success is dependent on the skills and knowledge of the people. ISFAP is a partner that supports us with this objective."
    Vusi Cwane
    Head of the Sasol Foundation - Sasol Ltd
  • ISFAP Testimonials

    "There is a second set of studies that show that of the countries around the world, South Africa provides the biggest return on a higher education qualification. ISFAP bridges the gap for missing middle funding and produces critical skills in the country. There is evidence that indicates that unemployment reduces to 8% in young people when they have a tertiary education."
    Professor Adam Habib
    Former Vice Chancellor and Principal of the University of the Witwatersrand
  • ISFAP Testimonials

    "The team at ISFAP is the best!!!!! Their willingness and quick responses have been great!!!."
    Sibusiso Lukhele
    Social Investment Specialist at Tshikululu Social Investments
    FRF Foundation Representative
  • ISFAP Testimonials

    "Thank you for the amazing work and continuous commitment that you have shown through these challenging times. From myself, and everyone at the AVI Community Trust."
    Thabile Xulu
    CSI Coordinator at AVI
  • ISFAP Testimonials

    "The programme that is run by Sizwe, and the team at ISFAP, is characterized by an ecosystem of support that helps students with their academic work and social dynamics."
    TP Nchocho
    Chief Executive Officer at IDC
  • ISFAP Testimonials

    "We ensure that skills development and training is enabled in our sector, while supporting and facilitating transformation in the workplace. This is a critical element of the ISFAP programme which FASSET is proud to be associated with."
    Ayanda Mafuleka
    Chief Executive Officer at FASSET
  • ISFAP Testimonials

    "We note the pleasing progress of the students, despite the challenging times faced by many students and academic institutions since the Covid outbreak. Please convey our congratulations, and we wish them success for the remainder of their studies.

    Also, well done to the ISFAP team for keeping the momentum and continuing to support our students to work towards achieving their educational goals."
    Goodness Luphoko
    Chief Financial Officer at Safrika Holdings

Meet our Partners

Below are the partners involved in funding ISFAP and making all the good we do possible.
If you are interested in becoming a partner, please click here or email
Business Leadership South Africa
The Banking Association South Africa
The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
First Rand Foundation
National Treasury
National Research Foundation
Department Higher Education and Training
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Department Trade and Industry
WITS University
Tshwane University of Technology
Central University of Technology, Free State
Stellenbosch University
University of Cape Town
University of KwaZulu-Natal
University of Venda
Walter Sisulu University
University of Johannesburg
Nelson Mandela University
Actuarial Society of South Africa
Allen Gray Orbis Foundation
AngloGold Ashanti
Capitec Bank
China Construction Bank
Compensation Fund
Engineering Council of South Africa
Merchantile Bank
Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
Safika Holdings
Standard Bank
Tshikululu Social Investments
Volkswagen Group South Africa
Webber Wentzel Attorneys
ISFAP - the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme - was established to assist poor and 'missing' middle income university students in selected fields of study to afford the university fees by means of providing financial aid provided the candidate meets certain prescribed requirements.
©  Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Foundation NPC

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