February 23, 2023

Chuma Mpelane

I am Chuma Mpelane and I am an ISFAP alumna, part of the very first cohort, the 2018 cohort! 

I graduated with a BSc in Mathematics of Finance at Wits in 2020, then continued to do my honours in Business Finance in 2021. I currently work at FNB as a Client Services Consultant in the Foreign Exchange Product House. 

In 2017, I didn’t qualify for most of the bursaries that I applied for because my parents are part of the working class, but didn’t have funding because they could not afford university fees. Then came ISFAP in 2018, at a time when I needed it the most, when I had no idea how I was going to pay for my tuition fees. 

The journey with ISFAP has been amazing, throughout my university experience I literally felt like I had someone in my corner, cheering me up and rooting for me to succeed. If I were to explain it to someone, I would tell them that ISFAP is more than just financial support, it's your teacher when you are struggling with a module (we had private tutorials on weekends, which helped a lot!), it's your counsellor and safe space when you are going through a tough time, it's your motivation when you are writing exams. The support is out of this world. With ISFAP, I never felt alone, I always felt like I had an amazing community behind me.

More than anything, the journey with ISFAP was seamless. I feel blessed to have been a recipient of this bursary and I can't thank the ISFAP team and sponsors enough.

Thank you so much.

ISFAP - the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme - was established to assist poor and 'missing' middle income university students in selected fields of study to afford the university fees by means of providing financial aid provided the candidate meets certain prescribed requirements.
©  Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Foundation NPC

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