The clock is ticking!

Have you submitted your application yet? You still have time. 
Online application will close at midnight on 31 October 2024.


Students Funded

ISFAP at a glance

What financial aid from ISFAP means for students...

Each student approved to have their studies funded by ISFAP will receive enough funding to cover all tuition costs as well as accommodation, travel, books, meals and a stipend.

In addition ISFAP will provide students with academic support, social support, life skills training and medical support when required.
ISFAP seeks to secure the future of South African Youth by providing needs-based assistance to students from poor and working-class families. This support will enable students to acquire a broad set of knowledge, skills and character traits that will significantly improve their meaningful participation in the growth of the country, including the economy, human development, leadership, ethical behavior and broad citizenship. The intention is to advance equal opportunity and equitable income distribution for all South Africans.
ISFAP - the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme - was established to assist poor and 'missing' middle income university students in selected fields of study to afford the university fees by means of providing financial aid provided the candidate meets certain prescribed requirements.
©  Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme Foundation NPC

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010 880 0400
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